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Strategic Communications

The following examples showcase completed project work while serving Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) the sixth largest school district in the nation. The initiatives highlight efforts to improve communication to the district's over 265,000 diverse students and their families, as well as an array of stakeholders across Broward County.

Project Highlights
Meeting the needs of stakeholders.

BRANDING: Standards and Guidelines 

Created the BCPS Communications Guide to encourage BCPS to "speak" with one voice and positively contribute to district's brand promise to the community. View both the full Standards and Guidelines as well as the one-page Quick Reference Sheet. Both versions make it easy for all of BCPS to align tone, look and quality of communications.

MARKETING: Student Post Card Initiative 

Led the effort to collaborate at both the district and school level to reclaim students lost to charter schools through the utilization of integrated marketing tactics and capitalizing on charter school closures. This PowerPoint presentation discusses that collaboration, results and next steps of a first-time personalized post card initiative for the district. 

TOOLS FOR PRINCIPALS: Three Media Quick Guides 

Directed BCPS communications staff in the drafting and editing of three one-page reference documents created to help school leaders during key situations: when a school is facing negative news coverage, when media cover a positive news event and tips for front office communicators. Many school leaders expressed appreciation of these tools as they drafted talking points or planned a media strategy with the BCPS Public Information Office. 

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Led efforts to bring to the forefront both opportunities to advocate for Oakland Unified School District's legislative priorities and to provide information on progress of ongoing legislative efforts. Two web pages were developed, one to share advocacy opportunities and one to provide legislative updates with tools that District leaders communicate with their teams. Board members and District leaders have shared appreciation for the ease with which they now can access information. Parent leaders are also sharing positive feedback.  

“I have had the pleasure of working with and knowing Valerie for the past two years. Her communication style is sharp and her high energy is infectious. She is extremely thoughtful and knowledgeable and always responsive to any question or request for information that I have. She is an effective leader who is loved and respected by her team.”

​​Stephanie R. Pollard, MBA

“Valerie's unique ability to drill down to the essentials in any project makes her an uncommon and valuable resource in any team. Valerie is a visionary, a leader and a collaborator. I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with her.

​​Stefanie Valovic, MBA 

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